Monday, February 2, 2015

I got to cut down my first tree this week...

The past week has been very rainy. Long days on the bike always keeps things exiting though. It’s odd… in all my other areas there hasn't been recent converts that I’ve had to teach. But here we have converts, so we gotta teach them. It’s very exiting talking to them and seeing them change week by week… seeing how their new-found beliefs bring peace and happiness and often make things in life easier. (at least easier to cope with).

With the Super Bowl yesterday, we were not allowed to do anything besides go to church. (for our own safety). So we got a lot of time to read and study which I enjoyed very much. I finally got through "Articles of Faith" by Talmage. What a wonderful book. I learned a lot from it.

I got to cut down my first tree this week. A member in the ward had a tree he needed gone so we got a chainsaw and cut down about a 50-foot tree… very exciting! It was something I didn't think I’d do on a mission.  We then cut the tree up for firewood (everyone out here heats their home by a fireplace).

Because of the Super Bowl the chapel was only half full. It was almost imposable to get investigators to church yesterday but we were able to get a family there. The testimonies that were bore really struck home for them and I think it was a big step for them.

-Elder Johnson

I am staying warm. There is a lot of rain and my bike broke the other day. I’m trying to fix it myself.  I’m using a extra bike in the meantime. I layer up each day to stay as dry as possible.

320 Israel Dr. SW #34Tumwater WA 98501

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