Well again I don’t have anything for the blog, I don’t have anything new to tell everyone.

My favorite talk was probably Elder Nelson’s in priesthood session… he talked about living worthy to exercise the priesthood and learning how to exercise it. I just hope to always be able to resist the devil and be worthy to use the priesthood when the spirit calls me to. I could really go on all day about all the talks. But the only other one I will mention is Elder Holland’s. I was watching that session with an investigator and right when Uchtdorf got up to announce the last speaker I said another prayer for the investigator that he might receive and act on a spiritual prompting. Well, you can probably guess how the rest of the story goes. Elder Holland hit a home run and the investigator will soon be in the waters of baptism.
Elder Holland’s talk spoke to me maybe in a different way than others. The feelings he described come along with conference weekend are many of the feelings that come along with a mission. While Elder Holland helped people understand how to keep those same feelings for the next 6 months till conference, he was telling me how to keep the feelings of the last 2 years for eternity. It is possible and I will rely on the Lord in all things. I will continue to council with Him.
Seattle |
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