Holy smokes, I don’t know about this week. It’s felt really long and really short at the same time. Although we are not allowed to swim on our mission, I don’t believe that there was a difference between being outside for half an hour or being in a swimming pool. It dumped all week! It was craazzy.

I feel sooo busy all the time. There is always something to do, always someone to help. It is wonderful! The past 2 weeks is kind of what I expected a mission to be like when I left home. A lot of really great times and a lot of really hard times as a result of other people’s agency. It’s been a good 2 weeks. I’ve been very happy.
Sundays as always are super crazy and hectic but this Sunday in particular was nuts. First off… all week we had been hearing warnings of a big storm coming in on Sunday so people didn't know if church was even going to happen because power might be out. But Sunday came rolling around and we had church. I got to speak in both sacrament meetings we attended. I really do enjoy speaking. It’s nice to be able to prepare a talk and learn from that preparation. Maybe that’s another thing that has changed on my mission. I sure do like moving my jaw up and down all the time now. It’s actually turned into a bad thing how much I talk.

But anyways, I kind of got off subject there, Sunday turned out to be a great day! I love being in that church building. I find it to be one of the few places where I am able sit down for a long enough time to gather all my thoughts and just ponder everything that is going on. I find myself just giving thanks for all the great things God has given me.
My friends… I love you very much. Thank you for the prayers and support.
-Elder Thomas Johnson
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