Well… this week Elder Hastings and me weren’t able to spend much time in our own area. On Tuesday we were out on the KPN (Key Peninsula north) working with 2 elders who are both new to their area! It was a beautiful day to be out there though! There are many lakes and a lot less houses then my area so it was a breath of fresh air.
Later on in the week we got to go out near the same area to do a baptismal interview. I always love doing those… being able to see the change someone has made to get baptized. It's probably one of the things that makes the mission so so wonderful!!

We had MLC (mission leadership council) this past week. It was one of my favorite MLC's I have had the chance to be part of. The focus was on the Spirit and the power of it. The fact that the Spirit is not a tool we use rather we should be tools of the spirit. We do so by being obedient and sensitive to it. We got to teach elders quorum on Sunday. It was kind of nice to practice the training we plan on giving our zone on Wednesday.
Most Sundays you can find me in with the Priest quorum though. I remember being at home and loving having the missionaries coming into class. I try my very hardest to help them do missionary work for themself and get a greater desire to go on a mission for themselves.
-Elder Thomas Johnson
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