Well it’s been a cold week but hasn't been wet at all! Yay! This week we had an exchange which is always fun. I went with Elder Franks. Exchanges are always an adventure. It’s the closest missionaries get to a vacation! Nothing too exiting happened on exchanges except it was by far the hardest rainstorm I’ve seen while being in Washington!
Late Night |
The mission has really been pushing member missionary work and getting the missionaries (us) to help members share the gospel and help us find new investigators. It’s been really really weird trying to do that because my whole mission I haven’t done it and it’s just a weird adjustment. I know it’s the way to make this work progress most effectively.
Well, my favorite season is here, Thanksgiving. Growing up I have always loved this holiday more than any other. It’s a day to have an excuse just to love everyone and be thankful for what they do. I have so much to be thankful for this season I don’t know if I have anything to complain about honestly. I have the best family ever. I have companions who I get to learn from and feel love from. I am a very blessed person. I don’t know why but I’m grateful to be so! But even more importantly I know we all have things to be grateful for. Even most importantly, the Lord. His sacrifice is for all and all can show thanks for it by using the repentance processes. I love my Savior.
My 3 companions |
I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season. It really is the best I’m thankful for all your love and support I feel it every day.
-Elder Johnson
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