Monday, January 12, 2015

A new change again...

A new change again. Being moved up to every 6 weeks is weird. You learn to not get connected to anything because it will change. As for the move from Tacoma… it is sort of nice to go from the busy part of the mission (with lots of buildings and lots of people) to a lot more of a calm place. Everyone here (Olympia/Tumwater) live a different lifestyle, more calm and relaxed. When doing service in Tacoma we were helping someone move or cleaning their house. This week we split trucks full of wood then burned a dead field for an older couple. 

I was blessed enough to walk right into a baptism here and with a few more lined up soon.

I have been REALLY been enjoying my studies these past few weeks, reading everything I can get my hands on. I wish I could share all I have been able to learn. A few things I have learned is that hope is not possible without faith. I have the hardest time leaning back and saying, "It’s ok. It will work out the way it needs to." I want to be able to take control of a situation by its horns and make it work out the way I need it to for myself. But I can’t. I have control over almost nothing out here. I don't even control when I eat or when I go to bed.  I struggle with having that faith. Faith that God will work it all out. That I will end up happy as can be. I hope to gain more faith so I can have hope.

-Elder Johnson

New Address
320 Israel Dr. SW #34
Tumwater, Wa 98501

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