There was a fireside last week. I wish you could have been there. It was really beautiful. It was a fireside in which the missionaries sang some hymns and some recent converts bore testimony. By the end it was near to impossible not to feel the spirit. We had an investigator there with her husband and child. It was a really big step because the only reason our investigator hadn't been baptized yet was because her husband won't let her. He's too scared she will "run away with Mormons" if she joins.
Monday 22

We had p-day. Elder Larson bikes by me as I went for a long run. Then we went and played basketball and soccer for a few hours. After that we went and played card games. We went knocking from 6-7 pm. (p-day ends at 6) After that we went to the hospital, gave a blessing, and visited with some people in the hospital. This is the v
iew from St. Joseph's Hospital:
Tuesday 23
We sent an email home. After that we walked back towards home and stopped at the park for contacting and knocked on some potential investigators doors. Later we went knocking and then more potentials.
Thursday 25

The mission had a great opportunity to go to Zions camp! It is pretty much the USU ropes course with gospel principals applied to the courses we did. It was a lot of fun. That same day we saw "Meet the Mormons," the movie coming to theaters this weekend. I think it was a really well done movie. I'm impressed the church is able to put it into theaters.
Friday 26
Elder Larson had some member friends come down from a previous area and they fed us lunch and we had a very enjoyable day with them. They have 4 young boys. We played with at the church.
Those are all the major things that happened this week. It's been a good week. This area is amazing! I couldn't think of a better area! There are so many cool things and so many humble people.
Stadium High School Area:
A Sunset a Few Nights Ago I took Riding My Bike:
On the dock down by the rich part of our area:
A view from the park near the dock:
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