The past week has gone really well. The weeks have really started to blend together and seem to just be flying by faster than I can remember. I have never appreciated General Conference more than I did this past week. It gave time to relax and take in the words of our leaders.

Although... the stake center we watched the sessions at was 9 miles away. We had to bike there. It made for a weekend of very unproductive missionary work. One of my most favorite talks from the conference was Elder Klebingat. I felt he said some very great doctrine in a way everyone could understand it.
As for the week itself, it was not bad. There is an investigator we have by the name of Debbi. She's called an eternal because she's been an investigator for years but has never been able to get baptized because of her husband. This week we were able to put her on a date for the end of December. So that was very good. Just cross our fingers it all works out.
This Saturday is transfer calls and I am hoping to stay here in Stadium with Elder Larson. Hopefully I can see some results from the work that I've been put in here. I also have a interview with the Mission President this Wednesday that I'm looking forward to. It's just a regular interview he tries to do every other transfer.

Yesterday I was able to go fishing with a member in the ward. We went to American Lake. It was absolutely beautiful. It was super foggy the first few hours but cleared up later. In the middle of the lake is an island where people live. They park on the edge of the lake then take a boat over to their homes. I can't imagine how expensive it is though.
Anyway, all is well here. I love the area and I'm hoping for it to get cooler here as well. It rained for a day but hasn't rained since.
-Elder Johnson